Wednesday, May 30, 2012

16- "A garden is a tango, in the old village of Datça" Can Yücel

I love the normalness of Datça. It is so normal, middle-class, clean, cute and fresh.

I haven't seen a location that is wealthy and pure

It lacks many negativities that can make you feel fatigued at other places. Overblown egos, alcohol or sex crazed tourists, dollar eyed merchants or simply the huge crowds that remove the authenticity of anywhere.

I don't wish to write for many pages when I can summarize this place in several words. Datça is simple and beautiful !!

Datça has wonderful seas and anchorages. First it's cystal clear. Look at the photo below, the distance between the sea bottom and the camera is approximately seven meters yet we can see nice and clear.

And the bays of Datça are very nice. Expect to see many goats walk run or even fight on incredibly steep pieces of rocks and cliffs. One can spend several days without going anywhere just slacking, resting, meditating, calming, revitalizing...essentially performing the exact opposite of the sickest urban behavior of rushing to do lots of things most of which have no final meaning.

Some bays are open to swell so you need to read your map and find covered anchorages. Another alternative is visiting the Datça harbor and either docking along the shore or staying at anchor. Anchoring requires no rush but docking ashore does. You need to be at dock before 4pm. Do this only if you have really revitalized and feel some ruch would not be bad !

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